Outside the Russian Embassy in Helsinki today, a candle vigil was held in honour and memory of Anna Politkovskaja, the Russian reporter murdered on her doorstep on Saturday. She was an outspoken critic of the Putin government, particularly of its handling of the war in Chechnya. Note the Chechen flag left leaning against the Embassy fence in the picture. I don't normally post the same picture on my two sites, but this is an exceptional circumstance.
It's good that us city bloggers report on such issues. Thanks for posting this, it's very moving...
Hei nathalie, thanks. I have felt deeply shaken by this matter, she was so brave. I find I can't stop thinking about it yet find it difficult to believe it has actually happened.
It's so sad that telling the truth and voicing one's descent in a civilized nation can reap such terrible wrath from your opponents.
Oh my GOD, Robert, I think I've probably left you unreplied-to for a year or more. That is despicable of me and I can't think how it could have happened. I can only apologise. And yes, it is a horrendous thing...and I wonder whether we as a species really qualify as civilised, on the whole.
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