A new view through an old wall: the Katajanokka prison has recently been converted into a hotel, and a new passageway cut through the old prison wall.

Inside the prison-come-hotel grounds, a private form of public transport, the Helsinki bicycle. Two euros will let you use one for as long as you need to, within the city. I don't cycle, but I think the idea is pretty brilliant anyway.
I have seen in Amsterdam public bicycle's used quite extensively.
Yes, I think the idea is copied from there. It should be used everywhere, shouldn't it? As long as I don't have to ride one. Oooh, they are scary buggers.
Why are they scary? To me they look more like hard word; easier to walk.
Nah, they wobble and make you fall more guaranteed than extreme drunkenness (NB this is bicycles in general, not just these babies). No way, you won't get me on one of those contraptions. I God had intended us to have wheels etc etc
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